Asociatia Autism – Helping Hands

Asociatia Autism – Helping Hands


Started by Alexandra Bogdan, who saw a real need to provide pre-school therapy and help for children on the autistic spectrum, Humanity at Heart has supported this project in Petrosani, Romania from the start.  We provided some of the set up costs, and continue to help with funding for the running costs. The centre provides specialised therapy by qualified staff, for those on the autistic spectrum.

“Today we are a team of 6 therapists that work with 15 children a minimum of 40 hours a month so they can have a chance at a normal, fulfilling life.  In Romania there is a poor understanding of what Autism is and the needs that people on the Autistic Spectrum have, so we have made it our mission to help them understand that children and people on the spectrum have the exact same needs as we do. They need to feel loved, understood and accepted for what they are.  People tend to fear the unknown and it’s no different when it comes to the communities we live in, they reject and judge not because they are unkind but simply out of fear, so we try our best to spread awareness.”

Alexandra Bogdan, President of  Asociata Autism Helping Hands


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