Our Projects:

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We are a Sussex-based independent charity, working alongside our partners in Romania to combat child poverty, help vulnerable and poor communities, improve the lives of elderly people living in poverty, and help those with special needs live full and happy lives. By focusing on small, grass-roots projects we aim to help those people who are hidden or discriminated against in society, or overlooked by governments or larger charities.
Read the latest news from our blog:
Summer Club at our Community Centre, Petrosani
We've just had an update from Adina, the Manager at the Hope for the Colony Centre in Petrosani. They have had a very busy summer, running a number of holiday clubs, for the children who usually attend the Homework Club. They've also been busy setting up the new...
Volunteers’ Tea and visit to Borde Hill
Every year we do a special afternoon tea for the shop volunteers to thank them for all their hard work. This year we decided to have a trip to a local garden called Borde Hill, followed by tea in the cafe afterwards. A lovely time was had by all...
The Girls finally move into their new home in Birlad, Romania
We are pleased to hear that after 2 years of living in the State Institution, Geta and Irma moved into their new permenant home on Monday. Linda and Mike from RAKE went out to Birlad to settle the girls in, and sent us this lovely report and photos.Doing the...