The primary aim of Humanity at Heart

is to help the most disadvantaged people

in Romania to escape the cycle of social

and economic poverty into which they are locked. 

We work alongside partners in Romania

to combat child poverty, help vunerable

and poor communities, improve the

lives of elderly people living in poverty,

and help those with special needs live

full and happy lives.

We work alongside partners in Romania

to combat child poverty, help vunerable

and poor communities, improve the

lives of elderly people living in poverty,

and help those with special needs live

full and happy lives.

Please support our work by donating any amount possible via Paypal.

We are a Sussex-based independent charity, working alongside our partners in Romania to combat child poverty, help vulnerable and poor communities, improve the lives of elderly people living in poverty, and help those with special needs live full and happy lives. By focusing on small, grass-roots projects we aim to help those people who are hidden or discriminated against in society, or overlooked by governments or larger charities.

Read the latest news from our blog:

Vital help for our old ladies in Petrosani

Vital help for our old ladies in Petrosani

As winter sets in, we always consider the extra needs of our elderly people in Petrosani, for whom life is such a struggle. We have already sent £500 for winter fuel.  Thanks to those supporters who contributed to this fund.  We know...

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Shop Closure

Shop Closure

Our shop in Hassocks will be closed from Thursday 5th November, due to Government regulations and the national lockdown.  We sincerely hope we will be able to open again at the beginning of December, but will keep you updated on our website, FaceBook and Instagram...

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News from Vis de Copil in Arad

News from Vis de Copil in Arad

Since lockdown lifted in Romania, the staff at the Secret Garden in Arad have seen demand for their help rise considerably.  They are doing what they can to help in a very difficult situation.  Local support has been growing, which is great to see, and they receive...

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